Most imagery is available for print and electronic licensing.
All photographs are Copyright ©2000-2024 Bianca Otero, All Rights Reserved.
To inquire about licensing reproduction rights, please contact:

Bianca Otero Photography, Inc.

We will send you a password to access an image gallery with image identification and information to assist your photo licensing needs. All content of this website, including photographs, text, video and audio, unless otherwise indicated, are protected under domestic and international copyright laws and are not considered to be public domain: Copyright ©2000-2024 Bianca Otero, All Rights Reserved.

Any use or alteration of any content, including retransmission, downloading, storage, or digital or mechanical reproduction, whole or in part of a derivative work, is strictly prohibited unless formally authorized by Bianca Otero or one of her approved agents. Non-commercial personal or academic use by educators, students and researchers is permitted, if appropriate copyright notice and photo credit is given.